When we talk about someone flying it’s either in a plane, helicopter or anything that has to do with movies. e.g. (UFO’s, Superheroes, Supernatural Entities and. etc.).

Imagine being able to fly, now that’s something a lot of kids dream about growing up and for Domino’s Pizza they’ve taken that to a whole new level by being the first ever company to deliver their Pizzas via Jetpack.

Having your food delivered by Car is a thing of the past now, Domino’s Pizza has taken the futuristic step of not only making it quick and easy but also making it look a lot cooler. A Jetpack was something you only see in movies, being used by Spies and Superheroes and now it is the Pizza Delivery Guy/Girl taking to the sky to deliver freshly baked Pizza’s. Sam Wilson of Domino’s said: “When we realized pitching up to serve slices inside the festival was impossible, we took inspiration from this year’s headliner to launch our own rapid delivery trial – it was a bit of a no brainer.


“Every year we see huge numbers of random requests from festival goers trying to sneak pizza into the party.

“So, this year we wanted to take a giant step towards and trial our very own rocket man service to help hungry campers get a slice of sky-high satisfaction in the future. “

On whether or not the new delivery service is the beginning of a nation-wide rocket-powered fleet, the Domino’s spokesperson added: “All we can say at this stage is that the idea has legs…or wings…or jets.” Footage of the ‘Domino’s jet suit-delivered pizza’ first appeared on Tuesday when witnesses saw the pilot hovering around the Glastonbury store wearing the iconic Domino’s delivery suit, helmet, and a customized jetpack.