Father’s Day is fast approaching, and you’re probably scratching your head, wondering what to get your dad. If your dad is Fijian, you’re in luck! We’ve curated a list of unique and humorous gift ideas that will make your Fijian father laugh, smile, and maybe even break into a traditional Fijian dance. So, grab a cuppa kava, sit back, and get ready to take notes.

1. The All-You-Can-Eat Lovo Experience

Forget about fancy restaurants. This Father’s Day, why not surprise your dad with an all-you-can-eat lovo experience? Imagine the delight on his face when he sees an underground oven filled with succulent meats, fish, and ‘kakana dina” all wrapped in banana leaves that he didn’t have to slave away at making. Bonus points if you can get the uncles and grandfathers to join in and make it a family affair. Just make sure Dad doesn’t fall asleep in his favourite chair afterwards – those naps can last until the next Father’s Day!


Night Tour



2. Customized Bula Shirt with Dad Jokes

Fijian dads are known for their love of bright, floral bula shirts. This year, take it up a notch and get him a customized bula shirt featuring his favourite dad jokes. Picture this: “Why don’t oysters donate to charity? Because they are shellfish” emblazoned across a sea of hibiscus flowers. Not only will he look stylish, but he’ll also have an endless supply of jokes to torment – er, entertain – his friends and family with.


Men's Bula/Aloha Shirts. Tropical Prints. Made in Fiji.


3. Kava Sampler Pack

Kava is the beverage of choice in Fiji, perfect for socializing and relaxing. A kava sampler pack with different varieties from around the islands will make an excellent gift. Include a complimentary taki bowl. Just remind Dad to take it easy – we don’t want him to spend Father’s Day in a kava-induced nap coma!


Australian Government to commence commercial importation of kava by 2020


4. A Day of Doing Absolutely Nothing

Fijian culture values relaxation and taking life at a slower pace. Give your dad the ultimate gift – a day of doing absolutely nothing. Set up a hammock, hand him a cold drink, and let him drift into the ultimate state of relaxation. Just make sure the TV remote is within reach, or you’ll be hearing about it all year.


Unforgettable Father's Day Activities - Giftster


Remember, the best gifts come from the heart (and sometimes from the local market). Whether you go for a traditional lovo feast or a quirky customized bula shirt, your Fijian father is sure to appreciate the thought and effort you put into making his day special. Happy Father’s Day in advance to all the amazing Fijian dads out there!