At first, it sounds like one of the silliest laws ever: in Switzerland, you’re not allowed to own just one guinea pig or parrot. The reason for this is that they’re social species, and they are considered victims of abuse if they aren’t able to regularly interact with others of their species.

If you’re an animal person, you’ll love Switzerland. In recent years, they’ve passed quite a few pet-friendly laws which I hope will be implemented in more places throughout the world. For starters, dog owners must take a course that teaches them how to take care of their dogs, care for their needs and deal with several behavioral situations. Anglers (fishermen) are required to take a course on humane fishing.

But perhaps the most heartwarming Swiss law is about guinea pigs: you’re not allowed to have just one! They need social interaction to be happy, so owning a single guinea pig is considered harmful to its well-being and forbidden by law.
They need social interaction to feel good, so owning a single guinea pig is considered harmful to its well-being and forbidden by law.