With advancements in technology, it’s safe to say that it has consumed and become a big part of our lives.

When a student is in school and needs help, they ask for help from the Teacher, or they’ll fire up the computer, tablet or their phone to get some answers from the world wide web. Nowadays getting information is as easy as a click on a keypad. Getting an education is only possible by going to school and in order to get that education you will need good teachers (educators), but what if there weren’t any teachers at all in the school you will be attending.


London is about to take the lead into the future with the opening of the first class without a physical human teacher but one entirely taught by Artificial Intelligence.  A private school in London is opening the UK’s first classroom taught by artificial intelligence instead of human teachers. They say the technology allows for precise, bespoke learning while critics argue AI teaching will lead to a “soulless, bleak future.

But one thing’s for sure, “either this is the beginning of something great or something that will end a lot of careers”.