Growing up in a household on the islands comes with a lot of memories, from endless sleepovers with the cousins to sneaking out of the house to getting the hiding from our parents, etc.

No matter how severe the hidings were, they would still love us twice as much.

Here is a list of things our parents, aunties, uncles, or grandparents would use to discipline us:

1. Leather Belt

A classic when it comes to being disciplined. Most likely, every kid’s first hiding was with a leather belt.

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2. Hose Pipe

Personally, the hose pipe was the worst! I wouldn’t mind getting smacked with a broom or a flip-flop, but the hose pipe was a nightmare.

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3. Sasa Broom

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What I like to call ‘getting the job done’. Every household has one, so it’s pretty convenient. Imagine not sweeping the house and then getting hit with the very thing used for it.

4. Cassava Stick (stem)

If you were caught getting up to no good outside of the house, then this would be the closest thing to whoever was going to discipline you. Some even got it with a guava stick. Not going to lie, this stings like a m**********r!

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So, these are some of the things that my parents introduced to my hands, calves and backside…lol.

What about you?? Do we have the same list or otherwise??