A 69-year-old man from the Russian Republic of Dagestan claims to have set a new world record for fastest weight loss, after allegedly losing over 11 kilograms during a 2.5-hour race.

Bahama Aigubov had already had his name inscribed in the Russian Book of Records in 2019 when he lost 9.3 kg after a five-hour race, but he recently managed to blow his record out of the water by losing  11.1 kg in 2.5 hours during a 21 km race in Makhachkala. Aigubov cannot have his record recognized by the Guinness Book of Records, as it does not acknowledge achievements in rapid weight loss so as not to encourage people to engage in dangerous experiments, but the pensioner claims to be the fastest body weight shedder in the world, by far.

“Over these three and a half years, many have tried to beat my record, both Americans and Russians. Americans can’t do this. 25 people tried it, even elite military troops, more than half ended up in the hospital,” the Dagestani pensioner said.

A Russian, European, and even World champion in judo, sambo, Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling, Bahama Aigubov has had a lot of weight-cutting experience for fights. Losing weight for fights used to be easier for him in his youth. Despite the tough competition, he emerged victorious in the realm of weight loss.

Source: Oddity Central