The custom of the bride and groom eating a slice of wedding cake before smashing it in each other’s faces is not one that everyone enjoys.


A woman was so offended by the behaviour that she decided to divorce her husband. She explained that she had a “history with cake smashing” and that her spouse would frequently show her films of women getting completely coated in wedding cake in a since-deleted post on the well-known Reddit site “Am I the A**hole”.


The bride continues by saying that her mother wanted to smush her face into her birthday cake when she was 17 years old because it’s a family custom.


The adolescent tried to decline since she didn’t want to destroy her hair and makeup, but her mother persuaded her to go through with it.


He ignored the advice, though, when the couple got married. “We get to the cake-cutting part and as I turn to him, he scoops up a huge chunk of our wedding cake and smashes it all over my face,” the bride alleged in her letter.


Her relatives joined the group of onlookers in making fun of her. Following that, the guests watched as the bride left and got into an Uber while being urged to return by her husband. When she wrote the Reddit post, she was staying at a friend’s house.


Many others have now defended the bride’s choice to leave her spouse because he disregarded her desires in the comments section.