More than 4 years of hard work and sacrifice has paid off for USP law student and former Naitasiri rugby skipper Benjamin Sadrugu after he was admitted to the bar today.

Sadrugu says the turning point in his life was when they lost to Namosi in the Skipper Cup semi-final in 2017.

The towering lock says that was when he said that it was enough rugby for him.

Sadrugu says he is thankful for the support of his family.

He says his father passed away during his second year of studies, but his lecturers, friends and family urged him to carry on and he says he is glad that he listened to them.

Sadrugu says one of the biggest challenges he faced was being away from family for so long and COVID-19 as he could not come in from Vanuatu because of the lock-down.

While he wants to focus on criminal law, Sadrugu says there are a lot of talented youth out there that need proper representation especially with their contracts and that is one thing he will be looking into as well.


Source: FijiVillage