Did you know Neil Armstrong once threatened to sue his barber for selling his hair?

Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, used to go to Marx’s Barber Shop in Lebanon about once a month for a cut. That stopped when he learned that owner Marx Sizemore had collected his hair clippings from the floor and sold them for $3,000.


The buyer, John Reznikoff of Westport, Conn., is a collector listed by the Guinness World Records as having the largest collection of hair from historical celebrities. His collection, insured for $1 million, purportedly includes hair from Abraham Lincoln, Marilyn Monroe, Albert Einstein and Napoleon.


Sizemore, who admits selling the hair, said Armstrong asked him to try to retrieve it. He said he told Armstrong that the buyer did not want to give up the locks. Then, Sizemore said he got a letter from the former astronaut’s attorney contending that the sale violated an Ohio law designed to protect the rights of famous people.


The letter threatens legal action if Sizemore does not return the hair or contribute his profit to charity and asks Sizemore to pay Armstrong’s legal expenses. But Sizemore said he will not pay and has already spent most of the $3,000 on bills.