A mother from Colombia is accused of feigning the kidnapping of her toddler son in order to obtain ransom money from the boy’s father, along with the help of many accomplices.


The story of a little child abducted in Caribe Verde, south of Barranquilla, Colombia, began circulating like wildfire on Sunday night, November 12. It appears that the two-year-old was taken directly from his defenceless mother’s arms while she was out on the street.


The mom was accosted by two masked attackers who were riding motorcycles. They threatened her and took off riding off with her child. Upon the arrival of law enforcement, the woman was questioned about the events that had occurred, with the primary focus being on finding the kid.


It didn’t take long for someone to report that an abduction victim’s description was found in an apartment in Caribe Verde.
A woman reported to the police around midnight that her 17-year-old son had returned home with a kid who appeared to be the victim.


Officers who questioned the young man discovered that he was the boy’s buddy and that she had requested him to look after the boy for a few days while she tried to get 60 million pesos from the boy’s father.


It’s unclear if the lady was allowed to demand a ransom from the boy’s father or if the boy’s parents were still living together at the time of the fictitious kidnapping.


According to Colombian media, the two-year-old is currently under the custody of his father while the mother is in jail awaiting trial for her accusations.


Source: Oddity