Film making in Fiji is completely different to years ago if you were to compare it, but I can’t say that it has had its ups and downs.

With that being said, it’s great to see local film makers tapping into the horror genre when it comes to short films.

The short film, KACIVA, is one I would say is a great watch that’s short and sweet, straight to the point, and tells a lifetime of stories in the span of 13 minutes.

For summary’s sake, the short film is inspired by a real life incident that took place in 2013 where two high school students were charged for grave robbing.

When they were caught, they admitted to worshipping the skull they had stolen from the grave to achieve high marks in their school exams.

The film is based on two teens that were inspired by the 2013 actions and it was created by Josefa Juninho Mainavolau.

The teens call on Dakuwaqa, the Cakaudrove shark god, to enter the house and partake in a ceremonial kava drinking ritual while offering two of their school mates as sacrifices in order to gain the knowledge that they need to pass their school exams.

The ritual does not go as planned as one of the teens does not follow the rules of the ritual and things end badly for the two boys.

The two boys are played by locals, Romeo Naura and Epi Vuruna.

You can find the short film on YouTube or you can watch it below.