[Source: 1 News]

Four years ago, Gospel Primary School was the first school from Fiji that was invited to travel and compete in the 2019 AIMS Games in Tauranga, New Zealand but COVID 19 had other plans.

AIMS Games is the largest intermediate aged tournament in the Southern Hemisphere, that boasts more than 11,500 athletes from more than 350 schools, and in recent years it has encouraged Pacific nations to compete.

In a wide range of games from badminton, cycling, swimming, soccer, netball etc… Gospel Primary School will be participating in 7s rugby.

The team led by Mr. Aisea Tamani and Mr. Etonia Ronaiwasetawa have left our shores and are looking forward to the games next week at Tauranga, New Zealand.

All the best team Gospel Primary School and we hope you also get to kick off own budding rugby careers from the AIMS 7s.

[Source of Pictures: Sent in by Madam Makarita Koloba]