Children are counted as the most vulnerable in our society, the most removed from any essential services like healthcare.

This was stated by Minister for Women, Children and Social Protection, Lynda Tabuya at the Walk On Walk Strong Kids Fiji FUN Run and Zumba with Liti at Albert Park this morning to kick start their National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

Tabuya says it is up to us adults to take care and reach out to them, and she wants to thank WOWS Kids Fiji for being the only organisation in Fiji that is taking care of our children that live with cancer.

Also present at the event was Fiji Bati coach, Wise Kativerata who says he played Rugby League professionally and thought they had a hard life but these children go through more than they do.

Kativerata says he will make sure that the Rugby League program will promote WOWS Kids Fiji where ever they go.


SOURCE: fijivillage