Jim Arrington, a gym rat from the USA, has spent years shaping his body.


At the ripe old age of 83, the retired sales professional and great-grandfather first made history by becoming the oldest bodybuilder in the world.


Jim is still competing in and winning bodybuilding competitions at the age of 90.


He most recently participated in an IFBB Professional League competition in Reno, Nevada, where he finished first in the over-80 category and third among men over 70.


He was born 1.5 months early and weighed only 5.5 lb (2.5 kg). Jim claims that his parents “struggled and struggled” to keep him alive.


In addition to having asthma, he was “very unhealthy” and ill a lot as a kid.


But at the age of 15, Jim decided he “couldn’t do that anymore,” and he started weightlifting.


Jim remembers thinking, “I wanted to be a superhero.


Even after more than seven decades, Jim’s greatest love in life is still weightlifting. He goes to the gym three times a week for two hours each time.


Being a Guinness World Records holder, according to Jim, has “opened an entirely new universe for him” and motivates him to keep going.