Joana had a very interesting day yesterday when she caught a cab from town to go home.

According to her, during the cab ride, the taxi asked to make a stop in Vatuwaqa to fuel up. Then when they reached Valelevu, he asked to make another fuel stop.

By the time he stopped the second time, Joana made it clear that his constant stopping was very inconvenient for her as she was rushing home to look after the house so that her mother could go to church.

When the driver said that it wouldn’t take long, Joana said she was just going to get off and get another cab as the conversation was starting to infuriate her.

This then made the driver upset and he told her he was going to take her. Joana assumed that he meant take her home, but to her surprise, he took her to the Valelevu Police Station instead.

Joana was so confused and was wondering why he would take her there. After being seated, she was then subjected to accusations about her from the taxi driver that she was hearing for the first time.

The driver told the police officers that Joana was drunk (she wasn’t), has stepped taxis 3 times before in the past (also untrue), and that she was vomiting and spitting inside the vehicle (very false).

At first, Joana just sat there and was so dumbfounded by what the driver was telling the police officers, but then she told the officers to check the inside of the taxi to see if she was spitting in there.

This caused the driver to instantly change his statement saying that Joana was actually spitting OUTSIDE of the taxi.

Long story short, Joana’s time was wasted because there were no punishments given to her nor did she have to pay for anything. The taxi driver, on the other hand, was given a quick lesson on why it isn’t good to make false accusations about people and that it can get him in serious trouble.

Have you ever come across a taxi driver that unnecessarily made life hard for you? Let us know in the comments.


That One Time a Taxi Driver took Bunene to the Police Station

Taxi Chronicles: Bunene’s trip to the Police Station

Bunene is mistaken for Taxi Stepper