What is the most heroic thing you’ve done for a sibling? Well, as far as brotherly love goes this has to be the most heart warm event ever.

Bridget Walker is the little boy who saved his little sister from a German shepherd dog. He had 90 stitches all over his body but saved his three-year-old sister from certain death.

Walker recalls the incident saying

“If anyone has to die, it would be me, I am the big brother”

This caught the attention of many stars from the Avengers like Captain America.

The World Boxing Council (WBC) has recognized him as a full-time world champion. He has the official WBC historical record, for being the best fighter in the world for a day. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ total respect, πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

The heroic boy has been named “honorary world champion” by the World Boxing Council.

The WBC, which counts heavyweight Tyson Fury among their champions, said they were honouring the youngster for his actions of bravery that

β€œrepresent the best values ​​of humanity.”


This is right here is what you imagine a big brother doing for a younger sibling, especially your sister.


(Source: tribuneindia.com)