During the curfew, some really weird things happened especially when it came to tryna get from point A to point B…

Now there was a birthday party in the yasa and Anasa… this old man, probably in his mid-70s…

falla coming back from grogging at this birthday party with his chow…

he was crossing the playgrounds when the police truck passed on the road shining its light towards the grounds…

soon as he heard the truck and saw the light…. he just without panicking… squatted really low… sunk his hand into the mud… and rubbed it across his face…

Sa vaka na Rambo

After doing this he then picked up a nearby branch and opened up his arms…

While all this was happening his family is watching from the other side of the grounds…

His wife just shaking his head, while his grandchildren are all applauding at the amazing performance