Fijiana 15s player, Asinate Serevi has spoken out after recent statements on the Fijiana 15s and Fijiana Drua, and said that every single player that’s played and have played under Fiji Rugby has been either misguided or mistreated.

Serevi says the real issue is that no one is ever honest with the players.

She says on her facebook post that they are still owed $600 from the World Cup so not all payments have been paid out to the World Cup players.

Serevi says for the Wallaroos test match and Oceania – they were told before they left for the test match that while they are home training at camp that they would be getting paid $100 a day until the day they leave for Oceania then the pay would increase to $300 a day until they flew back.

She says throughout the tour they were continuously told that the $300 was approved and still being processed.

Serevi stresses they are not liars and that was clearly told to the players, and that’s why the players are upset.

She says they as a team have constantly asked about the payments since the day they left for Australia, followed protocols and the channels.

Serevi says Skipper Leweniqila emailed FRU and still did not get a response regarding payment and questions regarding the tour.

She says their last resort was – social media hoping for a reply, which they somewhat got with the statement FRU has issued.

Serevi says for those saying the Fijiana don’t deserve to be paid as much as the men – they do.

She says even with the $3.1 million sponsorship from Vodafone for the Fijiana, they don’t have the $3,800 paid to the players as promised.

She says the team and management have sacrificed a lot to be away from their family and friends to carry the national banner on the world stage of rugby.

Serevi says the team faced challenges, for example, during Oceania, their management/male coaches were not with them as they were floating around like nomads waiting to be booked to their next accommodation each day.

She claims the Fiji Rugby Union failed to make the necessary arrangements to accommodate the management despite sending them on a national duty.

Serevi says all in all – pay the rest of the money promised to the players and the FRU can deal with the rest after.

She says she is praying that none of this affects selections for future tours, and this is them standing their ground for the future of women’s sport.

We have sent further questions to the Fiji Rugby Football Union Trust Board and are awaiting their response.