Hailing from the island of Nabuna, Koro, Lomaiviti with maternal links to Galoa, Kadavu, Aisea is quite the personality.


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When asked if he was always keen on joining the FM96 team, his reply almost instantly was “Oh yes!” He mentioned that he always wanted to join radio for the cause of making a difference.

Speaking of teams, Aisea was once part of the iconic Paradise Roots band who are best known for the hit song “Au Taroga Lo”. This song was initially what got Aisea his stardom.


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It’s no secret that Aisea has “the voice of an angel” according to fans. So much so, that he once used that angelic voice to swindle a girl that he was interested in. And yes, it did work on her.

Aisea initially got into singing at a young age when he attended church with his family. He was part of the choir that performed on Sundays for the church. It was then that Aisea fell in love with not only singing but performing for others as well. Which would explain why the crowds always go wild when they see him on stage.



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On his off days, Aisea loves to play volleyball with the other boys in his neighbourhood. At night. sitting by the Tanoa for a quick fix of ‘muddy water’  is his favourite pastime.

A fun fact about Aisea is that he is allergic to chocolate. He says that experiences a horrible reaction to chocolate where his body swells up “like a balloon.” Something to note if you ever think of getting him a Valentine’s Day gift, ladies.

What else would you like to know about the singing sensation that is Aisea Buleruarua? Drop a comment and let us know.