Fiji Day was certainly a hive of festivities especially on the small island of Galoa in Kadavu.

Today they practiced some of the most important things that make us Fijian– culture and food.

With the help of the teachers and the mataqali of Natuvuloka the children were able to showcase all the new skills that they had

acquired over time like basket and fan weaving, coconut scraping, and coconut husking to name a few.

One that especially captivated our hearts when year 7 students presented their isevusevu to their honored guest at their Fiji Day celebrations.

This event highlighted the importance of keeping our culture alive so that the next generation understands and appreciates it.

My favorite highlight from the festivities of Fiji Day in Kadavu is quite easily the food!

The villagers made it their business to avoid any kind of processed foods not even table salt as apart of their wonderful spread.

Only fresh produce from the farm and fish fresh off the boat. Sea water replaced table salt and their spread was

complete with lemons and chillies to make anyone’s mouth water just by looking at the photos.


Don’t you think that these should become common daily practices?


PC: Sainiana Tinai Facebook