You remember that time you said, “Now I’ve seen it all,” ?
Well I’m about to prove you wrong because I can bet everything I have on the fact that you’ve never heard of anybody breastfeeding their husband for any reason whatsoever.
This woman said that she went on a vacation with her husband and seeing that she was still a nursing mother, having a breast pump on hand at all times is very important.
You can imagine this woman’s reaction when she realized that she had forgotten hers at home. She realized that her breasts were getting sore from not being pumped which is when she asked her husband to help her out.
@jenniferandtoni It worked 😳 #breastfeedingthoughts #ShareTheMagic #marriedlife #couples #marriagelife #marriedwithkids #storytime #motherhoodishard #momconfessions ♬ original sound – Jennifer and Toni
Although her doctor had prescribed her some meds to try and help, she said they did nothing for her and she was desperate at some point.
Of course, people asked why she couldn’t just hand pump to relieve the pain, but she said that even though she tried, it still didn’t do anything until she got some suction going thanks to her helping husband.
She even goes on to explain that the clogging in her breasts is caused by an infection called Mastitis.
“The best description for someone who hasn’t gone through mastitis before is it feels like a hot sunburn on the skin, plus a deep bruised feeling. After I got diagnosed with it, the pain went on for two and a half days and my baby couldn’t nurse from that side because nothing was coming out. There were a lot of tears,”
She said.
This puts a whole lot more meaning to the phrase “in sickness and in health” hahaha