An unemployed man in Russia managed to live out his dream of being a traffic policeman by putting on a fake police uniform and going on patrols with actual traffic inspectors for two months.

Tired of sitting around all day, Viktor, a 48-year-old unemployed man from Russia’s Stavropol Region, bought himself a realistic-looking police uniform and joined law enforcement officers in the village of Pyatigorsky.

Relying on his traffic inspector attire, great acting skills, and enviable self-confidence, the man patrolled the streets of Pyatigorsky, actively stopping negligent drivers and educating them on various traffic rules.

Two months after joining the ranks of the Stavropol traffic police, his cover was blown.

While checking footage from the body cams of traffic inspectors out on patrol on Pervomaiskaya Street in Pyatigorsky, authorities noticed that there were actually five inspectors on duty, despite official records only mentioning four. Footage from the fifth officer’s body cam was also conveniently missing, and when trying to identify the fifth traffic inspector, they found that he was no policeman.

Viktor actually got off easy for his stint as a traffic police officer. His colleagues in the last couple of months were not so lucky. They are now facing charges of fraud, but deny the accusations, claiming that they had never met Viktor before May and have never had any dealings with him.

If I was head of police I would’ve given him a job.