This story is a true testament to the effects of alcohol and how it can impact history.

Have you ever heard about The Chained Tree in the city of Peshawar, Pakistan?

This tree has been under arrest since 1899 when a British Officer who was under the influence of alcohol decided it needed to be reprimanded for moving away from him….PRETTY SURE THAT’S NOT HOW IT WORKS BUT MMKAY😂

“125 years ago, a drunk British officer by the name of James Squid performed one of the most bizarre arrests in history in Landi Kotal, a town near the Torkhan border. Convinced that the tree was trying to get away from him as he struggled to approach it, Squid ordered it chained to the ground and placed under arrest. The chains have remained in place ever since, and a plaque tells the story of the arrest for curious tourists.” (Oddity Central)

The Chained Tree in Pakistan
