A UK man has been jailed for stealing $70,000  from his father’s bank accounts by faking both his voice and his dead mother, during phone calls with bank staff.

A police investigation found that during a 14-month period in 2017 and 2018, just months after his mother had passed away, 42-year-old Daniel Cuthbert defrauded his grieving father of more than £56,000 ($70,000) by calling his parents’ bank and posing as both his father and his late mother.

This was a really despicable abuse of trust by this man who falsely represented his father and even his late mother, in order to defraud them out of more than £56,000

Sgt Mike Rogers, from the Force’s Volume Crime Team, said.

According to prosecutors, Daniel Cuthbert’s father noticed some suspicious activity when checking his bank account and confronted his son about it, but he was persuaded that Daniel had nothing to do with it. However, the poor man would soon learn that trusting his son had been a very bad decision.