Having a new boyfriend around the festive season is always tricky because you never know when is a good time to introduce them to your family and if it’s a good idea to pick Christmas as the time to introduce them to your family.
If you’re still confused as to whether or not you should bring the new guy home, here are a few things to help you decide.
1 They Say Good Things About Your Family
This is a good one, because what he thinks of your family is stemming from what you’ve told him about them.
If he is always trying to find a way to get you to see things from your family’s point of view, then chances are they’re going to love him when they meet him.
2 He Treats You like a Princess
If you have a boyfriend that treats you like royalty because you are a queen, then you don’t have anything to worry about if you ever took them to meet your family.
9 times out of 10, your family just wants someone that will look after you the way they do, so if you find that one person that does, your family will have no problem having him over for every other family dinner.
3 He’s a Gentleman, but not a Suck UpĀ
Being a gentleman is always commendable, especially when guys don’t let the societal norm of this day and age to influence how they were raised to treat women, or people in general.
If your man is as chivalrous as they get, without seeming like they’re trying to suck up to everybody, then take them home because your family will respect them and will commend you finding him.
4 He Loves Kids
I don’t know what it is about guys who loves kids, but they always seem to be liked by many people.
If your boyfriend is great with kids, if he loves kids and kids love them, then he should a green enough flag to take home to meet the family.
Even if your boyfriend doesn’t have any of the things on the list, that’s fine. As long as you’re comfortable and you know in your heart of hearts that you want your family to meet them, then you can take them.
Side note, if you’re going to take your partner home, validate their feelings of nervousness and constantly reassure them that it’s going to be ok.
Also, please don’t just leave them alone with your family without making them comfortable enough to be alone with them!
Now with the festive season just around the corner, have fun and stay safe x