I believe we have all come across embarrassing moments in our lives right? But ain’t nothing more embarrassing than your flip-flop/slippers snapping in the middle of town, and picture your crush timing that exact moment. YIKES!

So, Emz was with her cousin today in town, and suddenly, in the middle of town, her cousin’s favourite pair of flip-flops snapped.

Now, they still had a bunch of errands to run and they were on a tight budget as well, so they couldn’t get a new pair of flip-flops for cousin.

Emz cousin Lilian told her that, that will be the last time she ever buys or own a pair of flipflops, because not only was the snapping of the shoes embarrassing, and the walking around town barefoot, but that was like the 15th flip-flop she’s ever bought so far, and i don’t know about you, but i would definitely flaunt the whole barefoot thing lol.

What do you think?