Elon Musk Says He'll Give A Billion Dollars To Wikipedia If It Changes Its Name To 'Dickipedia'
[Pic Source: Office Chai]
Elon Musk, the founder, chairman, CEO and chief technology officer of SpaceX; angel investor, CEO, product architect and former chairman of Tesla, somehow found himself tweeting into trouble.

Who am I kidding?? He always tweets himself into trouble….

The day before he tweeted :

He then retweeted “(Please add that to the 🐄💩 on my wiki page)”

He then updated his tweeter account with: “I will give them a billion dollars if they change their name to Dickipedia”

This did not sit well with a lot of people, as the tweet garnered 13.2k comments, 149.6k likes and 21.2k retweets.

Would you change your name for $1 Billion???

[Source: Twitter, Pic: OpIndia]