Cosimo Caiffa is a talented Italian graffiti artist who uses spray paint to create some of the most cool street art illusions you’ve ever seen!

44-year-old Caiffa, who also goes by ‘Cheone’, paints most of his artworks in his hometown of Nerviano. Most of his street art projects not only integrate perfectly with their surroundings, but they also have this depth to them that often fools people.

He taught himself the 3D street art technique, and he has been using it for years to great effect to turn boring spaces into outdoor works of art.

The idea was born from the desire to get out of the box, and in all my designs I try to send messages of unease, the joy of life and what surrounds me,

Caiffa said about his art.

Cosimo usually starts by digitally creating the image he wants to paint, and then using graffiti cans to paint it on the surface of his choice. Some of his art pieces are so realistic that, when viewed from just the right angle, their protagonists appear to be coming out of the wall.