There are a lot of fun things to do when living in the village and, all the Amazing memories you get to make along the way.

Being a villager means caring for your neighbour, working hard, letting loose and having fun. Village Life may not be for everyone but those who have chosen to live the life will agree how amazing life is when living in the village.


It is sometimes very tiring but most times full of fun especially with family everywhere. The normal life of a villager is to wake up in the morning and tend to the farm for the men and, household chores for the women.


Taveuni has one of the best scenery when it comes to waterfalls and places to visit, but the best thing about the Island is the people. Whether you’re a Tourist from another country or a local who wants to go and experience it for yourself, you will be welcomed with open arms.

In terms of food, being a villager you could just pop into the farm and scrounge up some vegetables and root crops or hop in a boat and go fishing.

It’s safe to say that living the Village Life is one of the best things ever.