A Chinese Ice Cream company has recently been put on the spot for one of its products that seems to not melt, even after being put under extremely high temperatures.

Last week, Zhongxuegao, a Chinese ice cream company known for its high-quality products, went viral on social media, after someone posted photos and videos of a Zhongxuegao ice cream next to a thermometer that showed 31 degrees Celsius.


The original poster claimed that the frozen treat had been kept at that temperature for around an hour and a half, but it had clearly not melted one bit. The post got a lot of attention and inspired other people to conduct their own experiments, including taking an open flame to the ice cream to see if it melts. Spoiler alert: it didn’t.

On July 5th, Zhongxuegao once again became the talk of Chinese interwebs, as a video of someone using a kitchen torch to melt one of its ice creams went viral. Although the exterior of the treat became charred, the ice cream didn’t melt the way you would expect, and that only added fuel to the fire, as did the dozens of other similar videos that popped up after that.

As the controversy around the quality of its supposedly high-end ice cream grew, Zhongxuegao eventually came out with a statement to hopefully put customers’ minds at ease. It claimed to use a ‘viscosity-enhancing agent’ to prevent the ice cream from melting easily, but assuring everyone that its product still met the national food safety standards.

Is it safe for the human body to use a product that artificially prevents ice cream from melting for a long time?

one person asked on Weibo, China’s version of Twitter.