The Ethiopian
tribe where a lip plate makes you more attractive.

The Surma people is made up of three ethnic groups: The Mursi, the Suri, and the Mekan people. The Suri and the Mursi share a similar culture. Their women’s beauty is determined by how large their lip plate is. Some of this kind of people are found around Lake Turkana and the Lower Omo Valley in Southern Ethiopia.

Lip plates are usually made of clay or wood and range between 4 and 25 centimetres. To be placed on the lip, two or four teeth are removed before the lower lip is cut to fit the lip plate. This lip plate process is usually done by their mother when they attain puberty.
To stretch the lip, a ceramic disc is placed after the cut and will remain until the initial cut has healed before it is placed with another slightly larger disc. The process is repeated so that the lip will become large enough to accommodate the first lip plate which is about 4 centimeters.