A list compiled by women across social media has gone viral, showing places they refuse to go on a first date.

  1. Cheesecake Factory
  2. Applebee’s
  3. Chili’s
  4. Chipotle
  5. Olive Garden
  6. The Movies
  7. Your House
  8. Any fast food chain
  9. Buffalo Wild Wings
  10. Wingstop
  11. Red Lobster
  12. A Buffet
  13. IHOP
  14. Denny’s
  15. The Gym
  16. Church
  17. Starbucks
  18. Coffee Dates
  19. Ice Cream Dates
  20. Family Functions
  21. Movie Night at Home
  22. Somewhere that requires a long drive
  23. Bowling
  24. Nightclubs
  25. Hookah Bar
  26. A Bar just for drinks
  27. Waffle House
  28. Sports Events

If we made up our own list here in Fiji, what would you add to it?

[Source: Pubity]

[Photo Credit: Vecteezy]