Two dangerous male criminals imprisoned at a correctional facility in Fortaleza, Brazil attempted a daring escape by disguising themselves as women and simply walking out during visiting hours.

Francisco Átila da Silva and Carlos Antônio da Silva Oliveira, suspected members of a criminal faction in Ceará with long criminal records including drug trafficking, robbery, and murder, were caught trying to escape the Itaitinga 3 prison in Fortaleza, Brazil while wearing rudimentary female disguises. The two men wore long black-hair wigs, pink skirts, and white t-shirts, and even had improvised breasts to fool the guards. They tried mingling with real women at the end of conjugal visiting hours to reduce the risk of getting noticed by the guards, but their sloppy getups were quickly spotted, and the two were detained before they set foot outside the prison.

How absurd is thaaaaat!

Source: ODDITYCentral