An Indian man has been caught trying to take an exam on behalf of his girlfriend by wearing lipstick, makeup, and female clothes.

Officials at Baba Farid University of Health Science caught a young Indian man using a disguise and fake documents to take the exam of multi-purpose health workers on behalf of a woman believed to be his girlfriend. Identified as Angrez Singh, showed up at the examination center on January 7  dressed in full female attire, complete with red bangles, bindi, and lipstick, and carrying documents in the name of the woman he was trying to impersonate, one Paramjit Kaur. While his disguise may have fooled the staff, they couldn’t trick the biometric scanners when his data didn’t fit the one in the database.

The candidate managed to enter the examination hall. However, the officials got suspicious as the picture of Paramjeet Kaur on the application form did not match the face of the candidate in question,

a police officer told The Indian Express.

Later biometrics were done and they didn’t match with the ones kept in the records. It was found that a boy named Angrez Singh had impersonated Kaur. He had even got a fake Aadhaar card, voter card and ID card made in the name of Paramjeet Kaur.

Initially, university staff sent Angrez home, but a complaint was later filed against him, and he is currently under investigation for multiple offences.

It turns out that 34-year-old Paramjeet Kaur had attempted the same exam before and failed, so 26-year-old Angrez offered to take her place and hopefully pass this time around. The young man initially told police that Kaur and he were related, but that proved to be a lie.