A Chinese company has replaced its year-end employee bonus program with another clever scheme designed to promote exercise for employees while rewarding them.

Guangdong Dongpo Paper, a paper company in Guangdong Province, China, recently made international headlines for replacing its traditional performance-based employee bonus scheme with one based on athletic performance. To promote a healthy lifestyle among its 100 employees, management decided to reward them based on how much they exercise. For example, an employee will be eligible for a full monthly bonus if they run 50 km a month. They will get 60 percent of the bonus for running 40km, and 30 percent for 30km. Running enthusiasts stand to get a 30% bonus if they can prove they ran over 100 km in a single month.

My business can only endure if my employees are healthy,

said Dongpo Paper boss, Lin Zhiyong, said, adding that he spent the last three years encouraging his employees to enjoy sports and fitness.

According to Chinese media, Dongpo Paper employees couldn’t be happier with the new bonus structure, claiming that the company now allows them to “kill two birds with one stone” as they “can get both health and money.”