Just before Christmas, I decided to do something sweet and spontaneous for my girlfriend. I threw a 30th surprise birthday party for her.
I thought she would appreciate the gesture. However, her reaction was quite the opposite.
For context, we have been dating for over a year and as far as I’m concerned, we’re happy together. We laugh together, share similar interests and live together.
When we showed up at the restaurant on the night of the party, she looked so upset as our family and friends sang to her.
When I questioned her about it, she said that she “hates surprises” and “hates being the centre of attention.”
To cut a long story short, she says that she is unsure about whether or not she wants to continue with our relationship. She says that she has some personal stuff that she needs to sort out as well and therefore she’s moving out.
What do you think? Is she being truthful or is it her way of leaving me for good?
Source; Mirror Online